Some people enjoy the fellowship that comes with a caring church family. Others seek a church to help instill good moral values for themselves and their children. Still others are strengthened on a daily basis by the messages the Bible has to teach.  If this is what you seek then you have come to the right place, for this is what you will find at Our Saviour!

Most importantly, however, you will also find the message of God’s grace. God wants us all to join Him in heaven. That is why He sent Jesus, His Son, into the world. Jesus paid for our sins when he suffered the punishment we otherwise deserve. So, there is no need to suffer it ourselves in hell. The good news is that faith in Jesus Christ is ALL that is required to go to heaven! In fact, the Bible says that faith is the only way to heaven (Ephesians 2: 8-9).

This is by far the most important function of Our Saviour Lutheran. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and this church is here to provide you with a means to hear the Word of God. As your brothers and sisters in Christ we want you to be absolutely sure that you are on your way to eternal life in heaven. How could we say we loved you if we forgot to mention that?

Our church is actively seeking worshipers!  So, come join us and hear what the Bible has to say! Everyone is welcome; come as you are.